Ibrahim's Experience in Hell

Divine Revelations
 Ibrahim's Experience in Hell

A brother in Christ, named Ibrahim, was given revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ during a forty day fast in September 2011.  (His full name is withheld for his protection, since he works for Christ in dangerous territories). He has recorded these revelations in a blog called "Walking in God's Perfect Will" (see here), which I highly recommend reading. In this article or e-book, he shares some of the keys he has learned to being continually filled with the Spirit and experiencing the presence of the Lord.

For example, he says, "The real essence of learning is to determine the will of God (Eph 5:17; Rom.12:2), and the real essence of living is to do the will of God."

He goes on to write, "No man will be granted access into heaven who did not give his heart to doing the will of the Father while on earth (Matt. 7:21). Someone has said that heaven is the place for those who say to God 'thy will be done,' and hell is the place for those to whom God eventually says 'thy will be done.'"

The purpose of his book is to help each person reading it fulfill God's purpose for their lives on earth, which is His perfect will.  And he stressed that "the glorious presence of God is indeed all we need to do His will in this generation."

He was given a glorious vision of the rapture, recorded in Chapter 8 of his book, in which he saw the present condition of the saints who are going up with the Lord.  They are doing the will of God.  But he also saw the present condition of those who are going down to destruction.  In fact, almost all the prominent and well-known ministers in his country of Nigeria, as well as about twelve prominent ministers based in the United States, were headed down to destruction.  He gave their names for the redemptive purpose of warning them, so that they can repent and avoid perishing.  He stated:

"These include Enoch Adeboye (Redeemed Christian Church of God), David Oyedepo (Living Faith Church), TundeBakare (Latter Rain Assembly), Ayo Oritsejafor (President, Christian Association of Nigeria), Dr. Olukoya (Mountain of Fire and Miracles), Mathew Ashimolowo (Kingsway Church, United Kingdom), Chris Oyakhilome (Christ Embassy), T.B. Joshua (Synagogue of All Nations), Chris Okotie (Household of God), Uma Ukpai and many others!"

"I have never met or known any of these minsters. However, some of these ministers were brought to me in the place of prayer for intercession during the forty-day fast preceding this vision. The Lord introduced them to me as lost ministers."

"Christian national leaders from other countries include –Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, Rod Parsley, Myles Munroe, Mike Murdock, Paula White, Ron Kenoly, Donnie McClurkin, Pat Robertson, Reinhard Bonke, Pope Benedict, David Yongi Cho, Duncan Williams and many others!"

"The essence of mentioning these names is for these people to be warned by those who know them and love them so there can be a change in their ways before it is too late! My responsibility is to simply report what I saw and to warn, so I am free of their blood. There are many other lost ministers whose names cannot be listed here, but let everyone examine himself before the searchlight of the Holy Spirit. Each of us must confront ourselves with the gospel of truth before it is too late forever!"

The Lord also granted Ibrahim the opportunity to see hell, which is the final destination of these ministers, unless they repent.  In hell, he was allowed to speak to several people, including three top preachers from Nigeria, who have already died and ended up there.  He describes their horrific torment, and names these people, as well.  I am not going to name them here, because I don't want to be sensational.  But you should read Chapter 8 of his blog, in order to see for yourself who they are.  Then you can pray for the ones who are still alive, so that they might realize the seriousness of their sin and repent.  And if you know them, or support their ministry, you can warn them of their dire situation.

If you are not familiar with the ones from Nigeria, you can do like I did and google their names, then read their biographies.  You will be surprised, because based on what is written about their earthly lives and ministries, you would never guess that they are now in hell.  And the Lord told Ibrahim that if anyone has any questions about this revelation, they should ask the Lord first.

So I'd like to encourage you to read the book and pray about it.  Take this to heart, because this is the season of judgment, and the Lord says He cannot bear any longer what these ministers are doing in His name. He is coming to judge the earth.  This should be a warning for all of us, even if your name is not listed as one of the ministers headed for destruction.

As Ibrahim emphasizes so well in his book, we need to be free from all hypocrisy and to be pure in heart.  We need to pursue holiness -- for without holiness, no man shall see God.

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